A blog dedicated to exposing conservatives who are out of touch with average American voters, and are responsible for the slow, painfully hilarious death of American conservatism. There is no emphasis on one particular party, as Democrats and Republicans alike can be "conservatidiots."

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Conservatidiot of the Day: Tom Tancredo

Former Congressman Tom Tancredo, who earlier this week compared La Raza to the KKK, has stated that he does not know if the Obama administration hates white people. The following was exchanged between Colorado's favorite bigot and MSNBC pundit David Shuster:

SHUSTER: Mr. Tancredo, do you agree that the Obama administration hates white people?

TANCREDO: Oh [sighs], I don’t know. But I’ll tell you this –

SHUSTER: You don’t know? In other words, they might?

TANCREDO: What do I — I have no idea whether they hate white people or not!

Wonderful. If we have a black president, why, we just can't tell whether or not they hate white people, even though there's no evidence to the contrary. I guess it's safe to say, then, that George W. Bush hated black people, considering how piss-poor the federal relief efforts in the majority-black New Orleans were. And, if John McCain became president, he would hate Asians, considering he used to rant about those evil "gooks" back in the day. Funny how it goes.

By the way, what do I-- I have no idea whether Tom Tancredo likes to molest children. I have no idea whether he likes to masturbate with soggy ground-up lamb, which he may ejaculate into and eat later on. I have no idea whether Tom Tancredo likes to hang immigrants in the fields of Colorado. I just don't know. But I do know that he's a fucking moron.

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